My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.

Dalai Lama

Monday, September 22, 2008

There's Women against Palin?

There is a blog dedicated to women who are against Palin being the vice president. They are requesting women to sign a petition to, what? overthrow her if she and Senator McCain are elected? I am not sure what their plan is.

What amazes me is the blog is littered with the history of women and how we have struggled through to time to earn the right to vote, to earn equal pay, equality in the workplace, this list goes on and on. They do not want a woman vice president. Why? I am not completely sure. She is not pro-life, is a major issue but other than that I did not come across anything but that she is VAPID.
Well most of Washington, DC is vapid, so that is a given.

But to not embrace the very thing women have been fighting for, for years, the breaking of the glass ceiling, I do not understand. Granted she does not support all of your issues, but she is a sister, mother, daughter who has finally been put in the hot seat and may actually make the move into the forbidden area.

Sure there may be other women qualified to do the job, but she has been selected, and women should rally to support her, not a party, not a position, but her as a woman because we all damn well know she is going to need it. We should be working to get her in office if we ever want to see a woman President in our lifetime.

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