My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.

Dalai Lama

Friday, December 5, 2008


We are nearing the dawn of a new president and change he says, he will bring to this country. The country needs change but in what form? Do we need children in schools having to think about issues like the contents of the Pledge of Allegiance? Do we need to bail out BIG BUSINESS that has managed to pay themselves millions of dollars in salaries but now cannot keep their businesses afloat?

Changes like these are far from what our fore fathers would have ever thought possible for our country to deal with in a government venue. The Pledge of Allegiance was established to encourage our sons and daughters to believe in this great country. To take one word from it would be a disgrace to all who have toiled in and fought for this country.

Bailing out BIG BUSINESS is just a coward's way of getting through a bad situation. That has not been the way of the AMERICAN. We have not ever chosen a coward's path. We came to this country and founded towns and government. We travelled into the wilderness with women and children, young and old to create more opportunities for our families. In saying that, we did not make wise choices in all our endeavors going west. We surely should have taken more pride in the original AMERICAN, the INDIAN.

So change will happen as it always does, but we need not sacrifice our core beliefs to make some happy or fulfilled. Not everything should be an issue to bring up before God and country. Let the little children say their pledge and stay young and let the old bastards that got themselves into trouble work themselves out of it.