My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.

Dalai Lama

Sunday, December 21, 2008


There has been much going on in my life lately. In a life that was basically humdrum, I have turned it upside down and back up again. I have enjoyed the change but I will admit that change is often a bit scary. Sometimes I wonder, what if? But then I think of how I was not doing anything before. I was not happy at my job, I was not happy with my boys' decisions. I had a few joys like my grandchildren and then they moved.

So my own move has been good and it is always good when you realize you still have room to grow. I believe the biggest part has been that I really do have dreams left in my heart. I have hopes for myself that I did not find possible that suddenly have become reachable. Shocking, life is truly a mystery and a joy. So what I would say to most is don't think you are ever at the end or stuck, something will happen to change it, if you only believe that it can happen.