My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.

Dalai Lama

Friday, October 10, 2008


Why do we collect JUNK? I guess I should preface this by saying why do I collect JUNK? I am moving furniture around and redecorating two rooms for reasons I just can't go into now. In the course of this redecoration I come across a pile of items that I think, why did I keep this? Why is this still around? Why is this in my home collecting dust?

It took me more time sorting through things than it did to move the furniture and pictures and other little knick knacky items. I am a collector though. I would like to believe I collect things of some worth though not pieces of paper with idle thoughts or numbers I long since forgot what they were to or for.

Why don't I filter this stuff out as I am taking it out my purse? I don't know, it comes out of the purse to another place on the desk to another place in a drawer to another place in a chest until I need the chest for something. Then I realize I am collecting little bits of myself that I have quite forgotten and will never remember again.

I believe this is why I remain on the ground floor. Vega, over and out.

1 comment:

mikemclain said...

It is funny how we move these objects around without purpose. Or we view them with the idea that as some point in the future they will once again be required. You are right, more often than not they collect dust and loose their meaning. And most likely they will end up at the flea or in the trash and then we will start all over again. Ha!