My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.

Dalai Lama

Sunday, September 21, 2008

You Gotta Start Somewhere

As I am just branching out into the blogger world, I have to begin somewhere so it might as well be the ground floor. The beginning. Work from the ground up so to speak, as they say, all those cliques. I am willing to put some effort into this, to learn the ways of the blog world, spend time writing, researching and conversing with fellow writers. I am willing to give it a try.

What amazes me is the lack of that effort in SOME of today's young adults. Please note I did not say all young adults. I know there are high achievers or just plain achievers out there, but I see more of the, I just want to get by on the least effort, than I have ever seen in my life. I wonder if it is the parents' fault. Hold on, parents, don't go to over the top yet. The reason I say this is because I am a parent of one of these adults who just does not care to do anything beyond a job here or there. He falls into my classification of young adults who feel that the world owes them something and they are going to sit back and wait for it.

He has no real dream for the future, no hope or desire for anything. He would probably tell you an entire list of material items he would love to own but not how he plans on getting them. I ask him and others like him, don't you have a dream to be a certain type of person? Live in a certain place in the world? Buy a house, car, get married, play with your children, or spend weekends on the beach? I don't get much for an answer. They want all that but don't want to work to get any of it. Work, you know like maybe getting your hands dirty and calloused. Working two jobs to make ends meet or not shopping at the mall until you save enough money to buy a reliable car.

I wonder if I gave him and his brother too much, because when as I grew up we went without and I did not want my kids to go through that life. Did my parents by default do the best thing for me and my sister? All I could tell you is that I graduated high school, started my life and have never looked back.

So I have spent a few times on the ground floor, learning the ropes and working my way up. Here I am again.